Investor Relations
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of HappyNest REIT, Inc.
December 15, 2022 Agenda
A. Meeting Called to Order
- Introductions
- Rules of Conduct and Procedures
- Summary of Proposals
- Announcement of Existence of Quorum
B. Proposals
- Proposal #1 – Election of Directors
a. Questions and Comments - Proposal #2 – Ratification of Auditors
a. Questions and Comments
- Proposal #1 – Election of Directors
C. Voting
- Opening of Polls
- Voting on Proposals
- Closing of Polls
D. Results of Voting
E. Adjournment
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of HappyNest REIT, Inc.
December 15, 2022
Rules of Conduct & Procedure
Welcome to the 2022 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”) of HappyNest REIT, Inc. (the “Company”). In fairness to all stockholders attending the meeting and, in the interest of having an informative, orderly and constructive meeting, the following procedures will apply:
- Our Company’s Bylaws describe requirements for meetings of our stockholders. The Chair of the Annual Meeting will conduct the meeting in a manner consistent with those requirements.
- Because this is a meeting of our stockholders, only our stockholders of record as of the record date, which is November 29, 2022, are permitted to vote or submit questions while participating in the virtual Annual Meeting.
- Please keep the audio on Zoom muted at all times, unless directed to unmute your audio.
- To be counted as part of the quorum, in the chat box located at the bottom of the Zoom screen, each attendee should type his or her first and last name. Proxyholders should type the first and last name of the stockholder followed, in parenthesis, by the proxyholder’s first and last name. If the attendee in unable to locate, or otherwise unable to record his or her name in, the chat box, please unmute your Zoom audio and let us know. We will then ask you to state your first and last name and we will record you as being in attendance.
- To vote, please click on “For”, “Against”, or “Abstain”, in the pop-up box which appears on the Zoom screen. If you do not see a pop-up box or are otherwise having any technical difficulty, please indicate this in the chat box, or unmute your Zoom audio and let us know, and you will be able to vote through an alternative method.
- If you wish to ask a question or make a comment, please type your name in the chat box, and indicate that you have a question or comment. Once you are acknowledged, you will have the opportunity to ask your question or state your comment. Alternatively, you can type your full question or comment in the chat box, and we will read it out loud and address it.
- If you have voted your shares prior to the start of the Annual Meeting, your vote has been received by the Company and there is no need to vote those shares during the Annual Meeting, unless you wish to revoke or change your vote.
- The only business matters to be conducted at the Annual Meeting are the matters set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement dated November 30, 2022.
- The business of the Annual Meeting will follow the order shown on the Agenda.
- We ask that stockholders submit no more than two (2) questions. Questions from multiple stockholders on the same general topic or that are otherwise related may be grouped, summarized and addressed together.
- In the event of technical malfunction or other significant problem that disrupts the Annual Meeting, the Chair may adjourn, recess, or expedite the Annual Meeting, or take such other action that the Chair determines is appropriate in light of the circumstances
- Recording of the Annual Meeting is strictly prohibited.
- Stockholder questions are welcome, but conducting the business set out in the Agenda for the benefit of all stockholders will be paramount. The Company does not intend to address any questions that are, among other things:
- irrelevant to the business of the Company or to the business of the Annual Meeting;
- related to material non-public information of the Company;
- related to personal grievances;
- derogatory references to individuals or that are otherwise in bad taste;
- repetitious statements already made by another stockholder;
- in furtherance of the stockholder’s personal or business interests; or
- out of order or not otherwise suitable for the conduct of the Annual Meeting as determined by the Chair or Secretary in their reasonable judgment.
- If there are matters of individual concern to a stockholder and not of general concern to all stockholders, or if a question submitted was not otherwise answered, such matters may be addressed separately after the Annual Meeting by contacting Investor Relations at investments@myhappynest.com.
Thank you for your cooperation and for joining the Company at the Annual Meeting.
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of HappyNest REIT, Inc.
June 28, 2021 Agenda
A. Meeting Called to Order
- Introductions
- Rules of Conduct and Procedures
- Summary of Proposals
- Announcement of Existence of Quorum
B. Proposals
- Proposal #1 – Election of Directors
a. Questions and Comments - Proposal #2 – Ratification of Auditors
a. Questions and Comments
- Proposal #1 – Election of Directors
C. Voting
- Opening of Polls
- Voting on Proposals
- Closing of Polls
D. Results of Voting
E. Adjournment
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of HappyNest REIT, Inc.
June 28, 2021
Rules of Conduct & Procedure
Welcome to the 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”) of HappyNest REIT, Inc. (the “Company”). In fairness to all stockholders attending the meeting and, in the interest of having an informative, orderly and constructive meeting, the following procedures will apply:
- Our Company’s Bylaws describe requirements for meetings of our stockholders. The Chair of the Annual Meeting will conduct the meeting in a manner consistent with those requirements.
- Because this is a meeting of our stockholders, only our stockholders of record as of the record date, which is June 11, 2021, are permitted to vote or submit questions while participating in the virtual Annual Meeting.
- Please keep the audio on Zoom muted at all times, unless directed to unmute your audio.
- To be counted as part of the quorum, in the chat box located at the bottom of the Zoom screen, each attendee should type his or her first and last name. Proxyholders should type the first and last name of the stockholder followed, in parenthesis, by the proxyholder’s first and last name. If the attendee in unable to locate, or otherwise unable to record his or her name in, the chat box, please unmute your Zoom audio and let us know. We will then ask you to state your first and last name and we will record you as being in attendance.
- To vote, please click on “For”, “Against”, or “Abstain”, in the pop-up box which appears on the Zoom screen. If you do not see a pop-up box or are otherwise having any technical difficulty, please indicate this in the chat box, or unmute your Zoom audio and let us know, and you will be able to vote through an alternative method.
- If you wish to ask a question or make a comment, please type your name in the chat box, and indicate that you have a question or comment. Once you are acknowledged, you will have the opportunity to ask your question or state your comment. Alternatively, you can type your full question or comment in the chat box, and we will read it out loud and address it.
- If you have voted your shares prior to the start of the Annual Meeting, your vote has been received by the Company and there is no need to vote those shares during the Annual Meeting, unless you wish to revoke or change your vote.
- The only business matters to be conducted at the Annual Meeting are the matters set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement dated June 11, 2021.
- The business of the Annual Meeting will follow the order shown on the Agenda.
- We ask that stockholders submit no more than two (2) questions. Questions from multiple stockholders on the same general topic or that are otherwise related may be grouped, summarized and addressed together.
- In the event of technical malfunction or other significant problem that disrupts the Annual Meeting, the Chair may adjourn, recess, or expedite the Annual Meeting, or take such other action that the Chair determines is appropriate in light of the circumstances
- Recording of the Annual Meeting is strictly prohibited.
- Stockholder questions are welcome, but conducting the business set out in the Agenda for the benefit of all stockholders will be paramount. The Company does not intend to address any questions that are, among other things:
- irrelevant to the business of the Company or to the business of the Annual Meeting;
- related to material non-public information of the Company;
- related to personal grievances;
- derogatory references to individuals or that are otherwise in bad taste;
- repetitious statements already made by another stockholder;
- in furtherance of the stockholder’s personal or business interests; or
- out of order or not otherwise suitable for the conduct of the Annual Meeting as determined by the Chair or Secretary in their reasonable judgment.
- If there are matters of individual concern to a stockholder and not of general concern to all stockholders, or if a question submitted was not otherwise answered, such matters may be addressed separately after the Annual Meeting by contacting Investor Relations at investments@myhappynest.com.
Thank you for your cooperation and for joining the Company at the Annual Meeting.
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of HappyNest REIT, Inc.
August 13, 2020 Agenda
A. Meeting Called to Order
- Introductions
- Rules of Conduct and Procedures
- Summary of Proposals
- Announcement of Existence of Quorum
B. Proposals
- Proposal #1 – Election of Directors
a. Questions and Comments - Proposal #2 – Ratification of Auditors
a. Questions and Comments
- Proposal #1 – Election of Directors
C. Voting
- Opening of Polls
- Voting on Proposals
- Closing of Polls
D. Management Presentation
E. Question and Answers Regarding Company
F. Results of Voting
G. Adjournment
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of HappyNest REIT, Inc.
August 13, 2020
Rules of Conduct & Procedure
Welcome to the 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”) of HappyNest REIT, Inc. (the “Company”). In fairness to all stockholders attending the meeting and, in the interest of having an informative, orderly and constructive meeting, the following procedures will apply:
- Our Company’s Bylaws describe requirements for meetings of our stockholders. The Chair of the Annual Meeting will conduct the meeting in a manner consistent with those requirements.
- Because this is a meeting of our stockholders, only our stockholders of record as of the record date, which is July 27, 2020, are permitted to vote or submit questions while participating in the virtual Annual Meeting.
- Please keep the audio on Zoom muted at all times, unless directed to unmute your audio.
- To be counted as part of the quorum, in the chat box located at the bottom of the Zoom screen, each attendee should type his or her first and last name. Proxyholders should type the first and last name of the stockholder followed, in parenthesis, by the proxyholder’s first and last name. If the attendee in unable to locate, or otherwise unable to record his or her name in, the chat box, please unmute your Zoom audio and let us know. We will then ask you to state your first and last name and we will record you as being in attendance.
- To vote, please click on “For”, “Against”, or “Abstain”, in the pop-up box which appears on the Zoom screen. If you do not see a pop-up box or are otherwise having any technical difficulty, please indicate this in the chat box, or unmute your Zoom audio and let us know, and you will be able to vote through an alternative method.
- If you wish to ask a question or make a comment, please type your name in the chat box, and indicate that you have a question or comment. Once you are acknowledged, you will have the opportunity to ask your question or state your comment. Alternatively, you can type your full question or comment in the chat box, and we will read it out loud and address it.
- If you have voted your shares prior to the start of the Annual Meeting, your vote has been received by the Company and there is no need to vote those shares during the Annual Meeting, unless you wish to revoke or change your vote.
- The only business matters to be conducted at the Annual Meeting are the matters set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement dated July 28, 2020.
- The business of the Annual Meeting will follow the order shown on the Agenda.
- We ask that stockholders submit no more than two (2) questions. Questions from multiple stockholders on the same general topic or that are otherwise related may be grouped, summarized and addressed together.
- In the event of technical malfunction or other significant problem that disrupts the Annual Meeting, the Chair may adjourn, recess, or expedite the Annual Meeting, or take such other action that the Chair determines is appropriate in light of the circumstances
- Recording of the Annual Meeting is strictly prohibited.
- Stockholder questions are welcome, but conducting the business set out in the Agenda for the benefit of all stockholders will be paramount. The Company does not intend to address any questions that are, among other things:
- irrelevant to the business of the Company or to the business of the Annual Meeting;
- related to material non-public information of the Company;
- related to personal grievances;
- derogatory references to individuals or that are otherwise in bad taste;
- repetitious statements already made by another stockholder;
- in furtherance of the stockholder’s personal or business interests; or
- out of order or not otherwise suitable for the conduct of the Annual Meeting as determined by the Chair or Secretary in their reasonable judgment.
- If there are matters of individual concern to a stockholder and not of general concern to all stockholders, or if a question submitted was not otherwise answered, such matters may be addressed separately after the Annual Meeting by contacting Investor Relations at investments@myhappynest.com.
Thank you for your cooperation and for joining the Company at the Annual Meeting.